The advantages of halogen moisture analyzer how to use
更新時間:2017-04-20 10:22:39點擊次數:3029次字號:T|T
The basic principle of halogen light and incandescent lamp are the same, are to lead the tungsten wire over enough current, so that the filament fever to the incandescent state and issued a bright. The difference is that the halogen lamp glass shell fille
The basic principle of halogen light and incandescent lamp are the same, are to lead the tungsten wire over enough current, so that the filament fever to the incandescent state and issued a bright. The difference is that the halogen lamp glass shell filled with some halogen element gas, usually iodine or bromine, the presence of these halogen elements can slow the loss of tungsten filament at high temperatures, extend the filament life at the same time, also make the filament can Work at higher temperatures, resulting in higher brightness, color temperature and luminous efficiency.
Halogen Moisture Analyzer Advantages:
1. Simple structure, low cost.
2. Brightness easy to control and adjust.
3. Light color is good, penetrating power.
4 than ordinary incandescent long life, high color temperature, high luminous efficiency.
Now the measurement of moisture method is mainly measured using a moisture analyzer, compared to infrared moisture analyzer, halogen moisture analyzer uniform heating, can make the test data more accurate. Halogen can greatly reduce test time compared to oven measurements. Now the international use of halogen moisture analyzer, halogen has become a mainstream. Has been widely cited in various sectors of water monitoring and institutions of scientific research and other fields, such as medicine, plastics, chemicals, food, surimi, dehydrated vegetables, polymer materials, carbon fiber, noodles, flour, biscuits, moon cakes, food, Seed, solid content, rapeseed, tobacco, tea and textile, agriculture, forestry, paper, rubber, textile, powder and other samples of water detection.
It can be said, as long as the drying method is used to measure the moisture content of the product can use halogen moisture analyzer, the following to tell you about the use of halogen moisture analyzer, to measure the glue as an example.